I am Dandelion Taraxacum, a North American specimen planted in Geneva, Switzerland.
I am passionately, enthusiastically, bumblingly learning about plants: foraging, medicinal uses, fermentations, after-dinner gardening, the pots on my balcony, that green thing growing out of a crack in the pavement ... all things Phyto!
I have no idea what I am doing. Won't you join me?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The beginning

Let's start with the crocus. After months of cold, the sun comes out, the temperature moves slowly up and you can feel Spring coming in your bones. You turn your head to the sunbeams like a sunflower. Rabid cravings to eat greens start to seize you. And the crocuses start popping up.

I saw my first ones a week ago on my bike. It was early morning and I was heading to work. And there they were on the side of the bike path. Little banners of hope and renewal.

And something woke up in me. 

This winter was particularly hard for me on a personal level. I set me feet in the new year feeling shaken and uncertain. Worn down. But the sight of these first flowers reminded me how wonderful things can come out of dirt.

So we start.

Spring crocus(en)/Crocus de printemps(fr)/Crocus vernus(L)

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