I am Dandelion Taraxacum, a North American specimen planted in Geneva, Switzerland.
I am passionately, enthusiastically, bumblingly learning about plants: foraging, medicinal uses, fermentations, after-dinner gardening, the pots on my balcony, that green thing growing out of a crack in the pavement ... all things Phyto!
I have no idea what I am doing. Won't you join me?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My own little piece of dirt!

Having never as an adult had a yard, and only in the past few years having had a balcony, my gardening realities have been a far cry from my gardening ambitions.

Not to knock the good old balcony container garden! There are plenty of advantages to growing in containers, and you can do much, much more with a balcony than most people would think, but as proud as I am of my balcony garden, I have always pined for a bit of proper dirt.

In January as I drooled through the Baker Creed Heirloom Seed Catalogue I had to force my eyes and heart away from those things that aren't possible or practicle to grow in a container.

Big warty galeuse d'eysine pumpkins ... sigh. Luciously ruby red rhubarb plants ... oooh. Melons with rambling vines ... get behind me satan!

Working hard to stamp envy from my heart, meekly, I would go back to perusing the lovely, but compact plants that could thrive in my pots.

Then today I got a call telling me that I had just hit the urban lotto jackpot and was being allocated my own little parcel of dirt in the community gardens just behind my apartment building!

It was such a surprise and I was so overbrimming with happiness and excitement about the news, that I think the nice lady who called to give me the news just might think that I am slightly mentally deranged.

Now my mind races forward with this new endeavour. I have never had a real garden space to grow in before! Oh, the plants! Oh, the possibilities!

Books have been ordered! Plans will be drawn! Seeds will be planted! Botanical stores will be visited!

Oh, joy! My own little piece of dirt!

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